Yile (Anson) Jiang
G'day! I am an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong. My research lies at the intersection of accounting, environmental economics, and public policy, with a focus on the role of disclosure and transparency in environmental regulatory settings. I received my PhD and master's degrees from The University of Melbourne and a BA from Tsinghua University.
Research interests: pollution information; information-based regulation; environmental economics & policy; management control system
“Comply or explain: Do firms opportunistically claim trade secrets in mandatory environmental disclosure programs?”, Journal of Accounting Research, forthcoming. (Dissertation).
“The interdependence between the choice of fixed-term professional workers and the control environment” with Sujay Nair, Margaret Abernethy, and Anne Lillis, Accounting, Organizations and Society, (2023), 101525. [DOI]
“Manager ‘growth mindset’ and resource management practices” with Margaret Abernethy, Shannon Anderson, and Sujay Nair, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 91, (2021), 101200. [DOI]
Working papers
Competition and reward practices: Evidence from public schools. (with Sujay Nair).
1st round R&R at The Accounting Review.
Mandatory environmental disclosure and public avoidance behavior. (with Baohua Xin). [link]
Covered by Chicago Booth Review.
Do firms pollute more after going public? Evidence from hydraulic fracturing operators. (with Wen He and Jin Zhang).